There are many paths to the truth...
Cover of Journeys of the Spiritual Warrior
La Sagrada Familia - Barcelona
Symbols of Virtue

With so many spiritual questions that needed to be answered, I was blessed and cursed with some of the most amazing journeys that I could ever imagine. This book is a photo tour of the spiritual quests that were taken in search of answers to the Millennium. Please note that this site is very graphical. The downloads can be slow, but you will enjoy some great photography and excerpts from my journal. The answers I have found may help some of your own deepest thoughts of where we are and where we are going, as we enter into the next century. here to enter

Moonphase Home Page

Conceptual Design: Keitan Windsor & Bianca Jose Antonio
Technical Rendering and Web Page Layout: Gonzalez & Gonzalez
Photography: Keitan Windsor
All Rights Reserved.

Any Publishers, Editors and Literary Publicists, interested in this work of non-fiction,
contact the author for complete manuscript.
Keitan Windsor -