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Trying to Make a Difference? photo-forest

Avacafe offers non-profit groups:

  • Funding in exchange for accountability
  • The most efficient line to your donors
  • Amazing exposure to local residents
  • No commitment whatsoever to get started

Non-profits have the most to gain with the success of Avacafe. We automatically provide funding for your non-profit entity in a way that guarantees your survival, so long as the Avatars also believe in your mission. Avacafe is interested in funding non-profits so you can focus more on your mission, instead of dedicating precious resources on funding.

The Non-Profit element is the motivation of Avacafe. It is also what makes us different from all other models currently out there. We firmly believe that the success of established and new non-profits adds an important element to the longevity of our society. The significant percentage of business conducted through Avacafe gets put into your account as a direct result of Avatar interest. Accountability is all we ask of you, as you report to your interested Avatars how you spend the money that they give to you.

Together, with your innovation and the success of the Avacafe model, we can make the world resemble more what we would like it to be.

Avacafe is currently in development. A sign up page is coming soon. Please stay tuned, or send an email to info@avacafe.com for more information.